
"Certification is a Waste of Time."


The title of this blog post is something I have heard time and time again in a variety of different forums, Facebook groups, and LinkedIn posts. The conversation usually starts with someone asking for guidance on how to prepare for a certification, or which certification they should begin to pursue. Someone invariably will chime in and try to dissuade the poster from moving forward with getting a certification.

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  8242 Hits

Tox Tables for the CIH Exam


Testing Pain

I was standing in line at the testing center, waiting for my turn to undergo the mental pain and anguish of an undergraduate science exam. The testing center at my university was an interesting place - it was quiet except for the occasional cough or shuffling of feet, and many swore they could smell the cortisol in the air.

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  7915 Hits

The ABC’s of the EHS Alphabet Soup: Part 2


How do I study for a certification exam? Do I need to pay for a review course? What are some good study resources to prepare? These are just a few of the questions I asked when I was preparing for my first certification exam, and that I have subsequently been asked by other professionals beginning their journal to certification. Here is what I have learned through the years as someone who has been successful with many certifications and actively is involved in preparing others to be successful.

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  7393 Hits

The ABC’s of the EHS Alphabet Soup: Part 1


I consider the Certified Safety Professional®, the Certified Industrial Hygienist, and the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager the EHS Triad of Certifications; individuals who have achieved these credentials have demonstrated knowledge across the main areas where EHS professionals often hold responsibility. Although credentials do not automatically make someone an outstanding safety professional, anyone who has spent any time in the environmental health and safety (EHS) field is well-aware that there are many EHS-related credentials available.

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  7170 Hits

Safety Professionals on the Interwebs


I’m pretty active in social media and participate in a few safety groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. Although I prefer LinkedIn due to the quality of posts and the value of the discussions, I do spend time in some Facebook groups dedicated to safety “professionals.” I use the term lightly because some of the conversations and opinions I see being shared are anything but professional some are downright scary.

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  7474 Hits

Safety in the World of Covid-19


Back in early January, I started watching what was going on in China with an outbreak of a novel virus. At the time, it got a bit of a mention on the news here and there. But it was there, and we were here, so no big deal; nothing to worry about. Fast forward to late March, and the world of a Safety Professional seems to have changed quite a bit in response to what we now know as SARS-CoV-2.

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  7079 Hits

Changes to the CHMM Exam Blueprint


The only thing constant in life is change, and this rule applies equally to the various certification exams that you might be preparing for. In October 2019, the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM) announced a new blueprint for the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) exam. The current blueprint, which has been in effect since July 2013, was reviewed and a Job Task Analysis (JTA) performed. This JTA involved current CHMMs providing feedback on what tasks and skills are necessary for a minimally qualified hazardous materials manager to be competent.

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  6884 Hits

Bowen Learning Network Becomes Accredited Provider of IACET CEUs


We are proud to announce Bowen Learning Network is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). Bowen Learning Network complies with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognized internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices. As a result of this accreditation, Bowen Learning Network is accredited to issue the IACET CEU.

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  9918 Hits

The Importance of Maintaining Your EHS Certification


You worked hard to earn your EH&S certification and now you’re in maintenance mode. However, you may be finding it difficult to work full-time, be available for your family and friends and have enough time to maintain your certification.

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  11655 Hits

Just Keep Swimming to Shore Up Your CIH Designation


You've been studying for the CIH exam for months on end. Maybe you think you can't take one more stroke or read one more sample question.  Maybe your brain is clouded like murky water and you can't get through the sea of anemone jumbling your thoughts. As Dory sings in the film, Finding Nemo,  "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming." That's Dory-speak for keep on truckin', keep the faith, and keep your eyes on the prize.

Keep reading as Sonia Lal, a Bowen EHS client, tells her story about how she just kept swimming, swimming, and swimming....

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  11509 Hits

What Do Scores on Practice Exams Indicate?


We often receive questions from our clients about other exam prep resources they are using to prepare for their EH&S certification exam. We know we have a great product, but it's not the only resource you can use for your exam prep. 

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  14022 Hits

Exam Strategies to Help Reduce Stress


You might be preparing to take the comprehensive exam for the Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), the Associate Safety Professional (ASP), the Certified Safety Professional (CSP), or the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) certification.  You studied all the rubric topics or subject matter, practiced with hundreds of sample exam questions, and memorized your flashcards.  Now your exam date is looming, and you might not feel ready. Having an exam day strategy can help reduce your stress.

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  12859 Hits

A 10 Step Approach to CIH Certification


Are you interested in earning your Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) certification? Do you know if you qualify? Do you know where to start?

The following steps will help you begin the process of earning and maintaining your CIH certification.

1. Know the certifying agency.

The Board for Global EHS Credentialing (BGC) awards the CIH certification.  (

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  30684 Hits

Steps to ASP® and CSP® Certification


Would you like to pursue the Associate Safety Professional® (ASP®) or Certified Safety Professional® (CSP®) certification and don’t know where to start? We know it can seem daunting and you’re not even sure what the first step is. That’s okay. We understand. We’re here to help.

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  102781 Hits

Repetition, repetition, repetition, rep….


Learning a new discipline or grasping a new concept isn't always easy for most of us. To really understand the new concept or idea, one must, well….. practice, practice and practice some more.  There are a few things we can master the first time we are presented with the information, but most of the time, we must go through the material again and again and again. (And maybe some more.)

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  10749 Hits

Maintaining the Integrity of EHS Certification Exams


Some of our most popular and powerful exam resources are our Exam Logistics Forums. In them, you can post your impression of the certification exam, tips about how you prepared for the exam, resources you used to study, or about your experience at the testing center. We strongly encourage the use of these forums.

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  12407 Hits

How Russ Passed The CSP Exam


As you know, our instructors are here to help you prepare for and pass your certification exams. From teaching online courses to meeting you online during study sessions, to setting up personal encouragement phone calls, our instructors' main goal is to see you through passing your certification exam.

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  12979 Hits

Updated Apps to Help You Study Right


We're excited about our latest release of our Quiz Games apps for CIH, CHMM, and ASP-CSP exam prep. The updated free apps have a few new things to make study questions better and more comprehensive for you: embedded equations, formulas and images.

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  10705 Hits