We often receive questions from our clients about other exam prep resources they are using to prepare for their EH&S certification exam. We know we have a great product, but it's not the only resource you can use for your exam prep.
You might be preparing to take the comprehensive exam for the Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), the Associate Safety Professional (ASP), the Certified Safety Professional (CSP), or the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) certification. You studied all the rubric topics or subject matter, practiced with hundreds of sample exam questions, and memorized your flashcards. Now your exam date is looming, and you might not feel ready. Having an exam day strategy can help reduce your stress.
Learning a new discipline or grasping a new concept isn't always easy for most of us. To really understand the new concept or idea, one must, well….. practice, practice and practice some more. There are a few things we can master the first time we are presented with the information, but most of the time, we must go through the material again and again and again. (And maybe some more.)
Some of our most popular and powerful exam resources are our Exam Logistics Forums. In them, you can post your impression of the certification exam, tips about how you prepared for the exam, resources you used to study, or about your experience at the testing center. We strongly encourage the use of these forums.
A common question I receive from Bowen EHS ASP/CSP class participants is: "when will I know I am ready to take the exam?" You don't want to wait too long because you want the course material to be fresh, yet you do not want to take it too soon, only to find that you're not ready. Here are some practical tips to help you make that decision for yourself:
I mentor lots of people preparing to pass their EH&S certification exam. Some folks are working toward a safety certification, including the Associate Safety Professional (ASP) and the Certified Safety Professional (CSP).
You prepared for months, reviewed practice exam questions by the thousands, and you hope you’re prepared enough to take your ASP, CSP, CIH, or CHMM exam.
Once upon a time, there was an EHS (Environmental, Health, and Safety) Professional named Goldilocks.
Goldilocks worked for a shipping company. She was a valued member of the management team, and she was well respected by her co-workers.
You received this week’s study question and it doesn’t look right. The solution says the correct answer is C, but the explanation clearly states B should be the correct answer.
I bought a new car in December. It is a 2016 Subaru Outback and I am still pretty excited about it.
I decided to get the premium package with the automatic hatch lift and heated seats.
We frequently hear the question "what do I need to do become a CIH or a CSP or a CHMM?"
If you have asked this question, please continue reading. This post is for you.
This is an interesting question, especially around the career of occupational health and safety. I'm certain the meaning of a being a professional is as varied as the number of people that consider themselves professionals. However, there are probably a core set of values and ideas that resonate with the majority of professionals.