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A great resource for those preparing for the ASP®CSP®CHST®CIH, or CHMM certification exams.

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What you get

Bowen EHS® Study Questions are written by our certified instructors using the same multiple-choice format found on the certification exams administered by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP), the Board for Global EHS Credentialing (BGC), and the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM). Our goal is to provide a variety of study questions that cover the same rubrics and subject matter areas found on each of the certification exams.

These are not questions from the actual exams or previous versions of the exams.

Study questions are sent out weekly for the following certification exams:

  • ASP® - CSP®
  • CHMM
  • CIH
  • CHST® 

Access the solutions and explanations from the most recent study questions along with 10-question quizzes with questions randomly chosen from our study question databases.

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