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Maintaining the Integrity of EHS Certification Exams


Some of our most popular and powerful exam resources are our Exam Logistics Forums. In them, you can post your impression of the certification exam, tips about how you prepared for the exam, resources you used to study, or about your experience at the testing center. We strongly encourage the use of these forums.

The shared contributions of all of us can help others who may be studying independently or are extremely nervous about sitting for the exam. This helps them feel less alone and know they have a community willing to support them throughout the process. 

We at Bowen EHS strive to create a community of like-minded professionals seeking the same goals. However, even communities have rules, and one of ours is definitely non-negotiable:

confidential exam details must not be posted.

Here's why it this is so important. To become an Associate Safety Professional (ASP), Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), or Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM), a candidate must complete the following steps:

  1.  Meet a minimum number of years of professional experience
  2.  Meet a minimum educational requirement
  3.  Submit letters of recommendation written by people familiar with the person's work
  4.  Pass a comprehensive exam

The purpose of the comprehensive exam is to ensure a candidate possesses basic knowledge and skills in all topics related to the profession. It is not practical to fully evaluate the depth of knowledge on each topic, but it provides a sampling of fundamental comprehension and abilities. It is absolutely essential that the exam content remains confidential. If candidates know exactly what is on the test, the test will no longer serve as an evaluation of basic knowledge. It will instead test the candidate's ability to memorize specific answers and study specific topics.

We at Bowen EHS are committed to helping other professionals prepare for and pass their certification exam. However, we must be very careful and never forget the purpose of the exam. There are negative consequences if we allow our courses and our member center to become a conduit for our clientele to give away detailed exam information. The least negative consequence is the certification boards needing to work harder to continually update their exam materials. The most negative consequence is the overall lowering of the exam integrity and ultimately the degrading of the certification itself.

We all have a responsibility to protect the integrity of the certification exams. One way Bowen EHS helps is by monitoring posts in our Member Center and avoid publicly publishing materials that give overly detailed information regarding the exams. I don't believe there is a definitive line between providing exam tips in the interest of helping others and giving away the exam. There is much fuzziness.

I encourage all our members to help each other, but I also encourage members to remember the importance of protecting the integrity of the exams.



Repetition, repetition, repetition, rep….
How Russ Passed The CSP Exam