In 2019 the EPA enacted the “Final Rule” on asbestos. The EPA maintains that the final rule will protect the public from uses of asbestos that are no longer on the market and are not covered by other laws or regulations. Products that fall into the use categories covered by the final rule cannot enter production without notification to EPA and allowing the Agency time to put any required protective measures in place. However, does this rule cover all situations where asbestos exposure is possible?
This webinar discusses how the EPA's evaluation process for the asbestos exposure rule considered only lung cancer and mesothelioma as possible harmful effects. This evaluation process excluded legacy effects from mishandling of asbestos, such as contamination at sites where old buildings containing asbestos construction materials were demolished. As safety professionals, it is important for us to know preventative measures to keep employees safe during the asbestos removal process along with the safety of the public who may be exposed to asbestos fibers.
What comes to mind when you hear the words "Agent Orange"?
If you said a herbicide containing dioxin that caused serious health effects to those exposed to it, you are correct!
Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds are a family of several hundred compounds that share similar characteristics. They are persistent organic pollutants and are considered highly toxic. Most dioxins and dioxin-like compounds are produced as by-products through several processes. Other dioxin-like compounds (some PCBs) were intentionally manufactured initially, but the production has been banned for several decades. Though more than 90% of exposure to dioxins is through food, workplace exposure also exists. Though more than 90% of exposure to dioxins is through food, workplace exposure also exists. Occupational Health and Safety professionals need to be aware of the health impacts of dioxins and how to limit exposure.
Humans have been exposed to lead since ancient times. Although lead occurs naturally, human exposure is generally not a natural occurrence. Lead was used in tools, crockery, homes, plumbing, and cosmetics long before the industrial revolution. Although lead is still useful, the twentieth-century addition of lead to gasoline and its significant effect on human health led to an awareness of the impact of chemicals on the environment and human health. As safety professionals, we need to be aware of the health impacts of handling and using lead.
This webinar takes you through the history of lead, its characteristics, lead's exposure limits, and the health effects on the human body.
0.30 CEUs available for those who complete the course. Eligible for contact hours through the BGC, BCSP, IHMM, and other OEHS certifying agencies. Learn more

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The Bowen EHS® Continuing Ed Package
Get access to all PDCs and Webinars in the package for one year and earn up to 50 contact hours.
Substance Collection Self-Paced PDC Details
This self-paced webinar collection is designed to provide OEHS professionals additional exposure to substance-related topics for certification exam prep or to increase their awareness of the health impacts of these substances.
Course Expectations
- Videos and other learning aids are provided for self-paced learning. Course activities may include but are not limited to practice activities, multiple-choice quizzes, and small group activities. These activities are designed to engage participants and assist in the retention of presented information.
- Access to all course activities and materials is available for one (1) year from the paid registration date through the Bowen EHS® Learning Center.
Course Objectives
Upon completion, participants should be able to:
- Describe the characteristics of asbestos, dioxin, and lead
- List uses, past and current, of asbestos, which expose people to health risks from asbestos
- List the effects of asbestos, dixoxin, and lead on the human body
- Discuss preventive measures employers can take to protect employees from asbestos-related diseases
- Name the processes that produce dioxin and how humans are exposed
- Discuss current or historic issues with dioxin and lead
- Name where lead is found, its uses, and how humans are exposed
This course contains 3.5 hours of instruction. 0.35 CEUs are offered for this course.
As an IACET Accredited Provider, Bowen Learning Network offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard.
Eligible for contact hours with the BGC, BCSP, IHMM, and other OEHS certifying agencies.
For more details on certification and recertification credit, please visit How many points/credits/hours is a course worth?
Notices and Requirements
Completion Requirements
Participants must complete the following items to receive a Certificate of Completion:
- View all videos and complete all activities.
- Complete the course evaluation.
No certificate will be awarded to participants who do not meet the above completion requirements.
Computer Requirements
The Bowen EHS® Learning Center requires a web browser (i.e. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.) that can handle web standards and Javascript well. The best results come from using an up-to-date browser.
Proprietary Interest
Bowen EHS may have a proprietary interest in the products, instruments, devices, services or materials discussed in this course.
The Bowen EHS® Continuing Ed Package
Get access to all PDCs and Webinars in the package for one year and earn up to 50 contact hours.