I passed (the CIH exam)! Thank you so much for making this possible. This was my 2nd attempt overall, but the first attempt after taking your CIH Review Course. After failing the first time, I knew I needed more work on Toxicology and Ventilation. I found the TLV/BEI book and the ACGIH Ventilation Manual to be very helpful. I also watched a lot of YouTube videos to learn about different processes. The course also helped me strengthen my strengths. Thanks again!

CIH Courses

I found this forum (ASP-CSP Exam Logistics) to be a great place to help me with how I should focus my studies. Thank you all who posted here. Someone had posted something about radiation and lasers and I'm glad I freshened up on those topics because wouldn't you know it, there were a few questions on this! Anyhow, just to repay the favor, here is my take on how I prepared and studied for the exam. First and foremost, thank your Bowen team for putting together some great training! I will be highly recommending you to anyone who needs help. The fact that your lectures are all online and you have a plethora of additional study tools available really helps!


I passed the ASP! Wow, I feel so relieved. After so much hard work when you see the Passed word on the slip, the joy is indescribable.
Thanks Bowen . Practice quizzes helped a lot. There were 200 questions and 300 minutes of allotted time. I thought it was 175 questions!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I took and passed the ASP!  It only took a global pandemic for me to finally make time to study. I essentially studied 2-3 hours a night for the past three weeks, re-watching all of Pat's classes, doing the homework again, and finally taking the final (and make-up). I used other Bowen resources (study vault, practice exams, etc). And also, I used an app called "Professional Pocket Prep" which had a bank of 700 questions. The test took me roughly 2.5 - 3 hours. I was surprised about the amount of questions regarding dust and performing fall protection equations. Thanks Pat! Thanks Bowen! Now I need to dig in and study for the CSP...

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I pushed the submit button and closed my eyes. When I opened them, it said "are you sure you want to submit?", pushed the button, closed my eyes...it launched into the survey. Then it launched into at least 2 more "are you sure you want to submit?". I thought I was going to have a heart attack but finally....finally I got the green check saying preliminary pass! (CIH exam)

BOWEN is the best prep system EVER! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!. Rick, you were a great instructor and host in Chapel Hill. Thank you!

CIH Courses

Just passed the CSP exam. Thank you will and the Bowen EHS for providing excellent guidance and study materials! 

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Bowen was very important in helping me gain my ASP in July of 2016 and my CSP in April of this year.

Steven Jones
KY Labor Cabinet
ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Thanks to Bowen EHS staff (especially Patrick), ASP/CSP review course, and other clients who offered study help, I passed my CSP9 exam. I also used Brauer "Safety and Health for Engineers" and Yates "Safety Professionals Study Guide." I took the BCSP practice exam several times and several of the Bowen practice quizzes.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed CSP today and ASP back in November, for me ASP was far tougher (preparation point of view), CSP will be a full test of your knowledge, experience & application. Happy that I passed both of them in first attempt. We have a great a tutor and study group in Kuwait which helped me a lot. Bowen's material was very much useful in ASP preparation, Prepare your own flashcards and it will be very helpful. My best wishes for all the future test takers.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed my CSP test yesterday! Thank you, William, for all the help and support you give us. Thank you, Bowen, for these amazing courses and resources.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Hello Russ, I finished the last ASP/CSP class on Wednesday and took the ASP exam on Saturday and passed. I plan to take the CSP in May. The class was very beneficial to me and I appreciate the help. Thanks again.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I took my ASP last month and had the opportunity to take my CSP today despite not having finished my ASP/CSP online review... I passed!!! I can't emphasis enough how great the Bowen online quizzes are in prepping for the tests and the book Safety and Health for Engineers. It was intimidating, but a cover to cover read with notes and answering the practice questions really got me ready. Good luck to everyone reading the forums prepping for the CSP. Don't let the test get the better of you. Go for it, and good luck!!!


I would like to thank the entire Bowen EHS staff for creating such a great online class. Because of them, I was successful in passing the (CIH) exam. Thanks again!

CIH Courses

Passed the ASP! Patrick - thanks for the course and taking the time to really be there and answer questions to help us through. You made me feel comfortable with the material and signing up for the CSP exam today!!! Great instructor!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Hi, guys I passed my ASP exam this morning on the first try! Thank you Bowen EHS and Pat for your help. The study materials I used were pocket prep ASP/CSP, David Yates and Roger Brauer book. I took over 65 ASP exams on the Bowen website and studied easily 2-3hrs a day for 6 months. I think the key to success on this exam is being exposed to a multitude of study material to draw upon. Also, eliminate the terrible answers so the odds are in your favor. Really excited. Good luck to all!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Good Overall Program to use in conjunction with other study aides. One Issue I had was not being able to watch lectures over on Tablet Devices such as an IPAD.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the CSP today. Thanks to the Bowen team once again first the CIH and now the CSP!!! I got to tell you I am not sure what I did because my confidence flew out the window after the first hour and I was sure I was going to have to take that exam again once I hit submit, but no, the certificate came back Congratulations you PASS!!! CSP Baby!!! Very excited!! Good luck to all the other candidates. You can do it.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Russ, Good news again - I passed the CSP yesterday - so glad to have both the ASP and CSP completed. Your course and resources helped me prepare and be successful. I am probably not the typical student since I have an MS in IH and PhD in Safety - am a professor at Oregon State University and am a new member of the ACGIH physical agents TLV committee. I am on sabbatical this year and had always wanted to pursue getting the CSP but never had the time, so it was nice to be able to get back to the basics and remind myself all the topics I should be sure to include in the various course I teach for undergraduates and graduate students here in Oregon. Anyway, I enjoyed your course and you are a great teacher - thanks!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I took the CSP Prep Class in October of 2018 at the beginning of my study process. I just took the CSP Exam on Tuesday and passed. I wanted to thank the Bowen EHS organization for all of the hard work that went into putting together the study resources that are available through Bowen EHS. A big part of my study process involved the Bowen EHS CSP exam practice question vault and practice quizzes and going back through the downloaded lectures. Bowen EHS is an awesome resource and I have recommended it to several colleagues. I am now a dual certified CIH and CSP and it is mostly thanks to Bowen EHS. Keep up the good work.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Finally got the message…congrats….preliminary results! Thank you for your encouragement through the years. I am a much stronger person because of this process. I’m encouraging my daughter to take your course!

CIH Courses

After a brain swelling five and a half hours I can successfully say that I passed my CSP exam this afternoon! Thanks again to Russ and Nicole for providing such excellent lecture and review material.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I posted before that I passed. What I didn't say was that this was my fourth attempt. My first was in 1996. That's right, when it was a two-day exam in a giant ballroom full of tables and people. I did not prepare very well (cocky) and did not fair well (oops). I was so upset that my next attempt was in 2006. Again I thought I now had 10 more years of experience and it was only a "short" exam on a computer now... how hard could it be... HARD!!!! Again scored a 64 with 66 being a passing score. Had I matured over the years? Of course..... not.... my next attempt was 2016. This time I knew it would be hard and I planned to study. I took a one-week crash course cram session three months before the exam. After the class, I realized how much I didn't know and the class offered no continuing support. I tried to study on my own, and three weeks before my exam date I had an emergency appendectomy and ended up scoring a 65, with passing being again 66. UGH!!!!! Then I was introduced to BOWEN. Here the class work being spread out over the 8-week period allowing for study, practice, questions, and commiseration with all of you and fostered a great atmosphere to prepare. Russ gave great advice on how to prepare and what to study.. You won't learn it by osmosis, you have to work at it. but the class structure, continuing study sessions, forums, practice questions, etc. gave me exactly what I needed to prepare, work hard, talk to you great people, and finally PASS!!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!!  and for those who didn't make it this time.... take it from me, you will make it. Just don't wait 10 years till your next attempt.

CIH Courses

Thanks Russ,I will be recommending your prep course to everyone looking to take the exam. You have built an excellent program. I quickly went from totally intimidated of the calculations to still intimidated but much less so. And although I didn't expect to do as well as I did, I probably got 80% of the calculations correct without anything more than your course.

CIH Courses

I sat for the CIH exam yesterday and received the P+ I worked for!!!! Just wanted to say THANKS to the crew at Bowen EHS and all the studying sessions, etc. This was my second attempt after missing the mark last fall. Bowen allowed me to sit through another round of classes and it paid off. Best regards and good luck to those who are sitting next week!

CIH Courses

I would like to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Russ, Nikki and the Bowen Staff for helping me and being patient with me when I was preparing for this very challenging exam. It was definitely a humbling experience. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without them and my very supportive, smart, funny and patient study buddies. For those who are going to be taking this exam...I cannot stress enough how instrumental the Bowen material (lectures, study session, practice quizzes, posted material, etc.) was to my success in passing this exam. Follow everything Russ says...from what to read and what flashcards to make, how frequent to study, to resting before the test. For the actual test, I skipped all the math and did them at the end. It’s very effective. Thank you again for this experience.

CIH Courses

Passed the ASP exam! "Many Thanks to Mike Edens" and his excellent instruction and the class as a whole, well done. Although I wasn't able to attend the course in real time (Synchronous) I did finish on my own via the recordings (Asynchronous) ha!. I have many years practical safety/environmental experience which doesn't always help in cases like this, so the course really helped me focus in on and get back to basics. Use of the phone app questions and being able to stream the course on my phone via eLecta was really helpful. CSP next step .........

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

My original goal for 2020 was to get through the ASP. I signed up for the ASP/CSP course because that was the soonest available at the time I wanted to sign up. I am very proud to say that it led to me accomplishing my CSP this year!
I spent the past couple of weeks listening to the recorded Bowen sessions and relived my 2 hours twice a week spent with Patrick earlier this year. It helped me to write out additional note cards on sections that I felt weak on during the ASP and on the additional sections for the CSP based on the CSP Blueprint. This helped more of the information to stick in my brain. After about 4.5 grueling hours going through the questions, I took a mental breather and thought to myself - " I REALLY hope I pass this thing because I don't want to wait 6 weeks just to do this again!!!!" Well, after that, I buckled down and did my final pass-through of the questions, hit that submit button and hoped for the best. I am happy to say that I am now a CSP and I am proud to be a member of the BCSP community!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I received a preliminary pass on the CIH exam! The Bowen course, practice quizzes and tests, and resources were great tools that I used to help me study. Well worth the investment. Thank you!!

CIH Courses

I passed the CSP Exam! Please thank the CSP instructor for the great class. Once again, I only used your materials to pass the exam. I have been recommending your review classes to all my former coworkers. For me, I couldn't have passed the CIH or CSP exams without your classes because I wouldn't know how to start studying. I needed a focused online course that was real time so I can ask questions. I have very limited time to study, so your courses were perfect.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the CSP yesterday after finishing the Bowen CSP Prep course on Thursday. I do not recommend scheduling the exam without at least a 2-week gap after the end of the prep course. I felt that I needed more time to prepare. The Bowen EHS course helped a lot. I would not have gotten questions on liability, safety management systems, the role of front-line supervision on safety, and ventilation correct without the prep course. I did not read any of the recommended texts, but I did complete the BCSP Self Assessment, which included several questions that were on the exam. If I was going to study again, I'd focus on risk assessment tools (FMEA, Fault Tree Analysis, Life Cycle Analysis, etc.), IH, reliability, statistics/probability, and management systems. Thanks to Bowen and especially William Pate, a great instructor for the CSP Prep Course!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the ASP on my first try!!! The exam was extremely difficult despite completing the online review course, HOURS of independent studying and countless practice quizzes/tests. Much heavier on Environmental and Hazardous Materials than I expected. Be sure to know Electricity concepts and calculations inside and out. Lots of questions needed unit conversions. All in all very hard, but I made it!!! 

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I just my passed the ASP! I completed the CSP-ASP review course on 10/5. Overall, the majority of questions felt like "Best Answer" questions. There were multiple fall protection questions that were very difficult. That was the only area I didn't feel that the Bowen Asp-Csp review did not hit enough. My EHS is experience is so broad that I was able to make highly educated guesses. If your experience is more specialized, I recommend studying much longer. I did feel like I was failing at about the 3-hour mark. I am assuming I didn't pass by much. I recommend studying more than I did (3 months). It took me 4 hours to finish the test and review all of the questions I flagged. I recommend calling the testing center and asking them how breaks work and how you can get some water mid-exam. 4 hours without water is tough on the brain. If you do decide to break, the timer will not be stopped. Thank you Pat, and Bowen EHS for the awesome review and making the info stick!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I’d like to say thank you to the Bowen staff for their part in helping me dial-in my CSP prep. Online test prep of any kind can be a precarious thing; you make a financial commitment and put your faith in someone else’s curriculum. In this case however, my online review gave me the direction and, perhaps more importantly, the peace of mind I needed to sit poised in the testing center this morning. I was ASP-exempt courtesy of my CP-12. Still, I chose to register for the combination ASP-CSP review to help diversify my prep. I suspected because the combination course was longer (8 weeks) I wasn’t really giving up much of the CSP domain-oriented material. Of course, I’m glad I got to absorb the ASP content (it came in handy); it was an exceptional learning opportunity for any practitioner but, the amount of safety management and training related material that we covered and what CSP exam-takers need was noteworthy. I was very pleased overall. Aside the course, my prep included the app, my own flash cards, and plenty of practice quizzes. Good luck, all!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Wrote the CIH exam and received a preliminary pass. Thanks Bowen for the great review course.

CIH Courses

Passed the ASP Exam yesterday! I did use all five hours for the test; actually, 4 to work the "first pass" all the way through and then 1 hour to go back and further work the items I had flagged during the first pass.
Since the mathematics is actually my strong skill, I didn't leave them for last - I answered them on the first pass. Most equations were provided ... but not all. My strategy was to answer everything as best I could on the first pass (in case I ran out of time), and then, flag anything I wanted to go back and think more about if time allowed. For the ones I didn't know at first blush, I found it fairly easy to get down to two reasonable choices. From there, I just made sure to read the question thoroughly (even 5 or 6 times!), and ask myself which was "better."  My preparation consisted of the Bowen ASP Course (thank you Nicole!), and the Yates book to fill in areas I needed help with. I made a LOT of use of the practice quizzes (including the iPhone app, whenever I had a few minutes of time) and the 50-question practice test on the Bowen website. I did purchase and complete the BCSP Self-Assessment, which was also helpful in identifying areas I needed more study in as well as giving me a flavor for the test itself. Now – on to the CSP! Thanks for your support, the great website resources, and the great preparation I received through the course.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Last month conquered the ASP, this month the CSP. Thanks to Patrick! An excellent teacher and gave me the courage to do this! Thanks to Bowen

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Thank you to Mike, Will, and Rick for your well-structured course. I couldn't have passed this without your guidance and support. Now if only the darned BCSP website would update with my ASP certification so I can finish signing up for the CSP! Oh well. Seeing that "PASS" on my exam score report will suffice (for now).

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed my ASP. Lots of questionson training, fall protection segregation and separation in fire protection and system management. Looking forward to my CSP! Thanks Pat and William for all your assistance! Much appreciated.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Passed the ASP last week, CSP today. I took the course with Patrick which was a huge help for the ASP. I completed many study exams from the vault, studied what I missed and also read up on what exactly the incorrect options really were. I read Brauer, made flashcards, re-watched the classes, and reviewed/studied like mad since the end of the class in July. Although a common theme was to skip the math, I worked really hard at the math and I think that helped me a lot with the ASP. I did flag the math and went back to it but had plenty of time and most came fairly easy from the practice. I jumped right back in for the CSP exam a week later and although I passed, it really was tough. Finished with 8 minutes to spare. Flagged the math, which there were not as many questions, but much more complicated, multiple-step problems. The topics go so much deeper than the ASP and more so than I expected. It really takes knowing and understanding the material. Lots of system and management questions. Just so glad it's over! Patrick, thanks so much for the job you did with the summer class, not sure what I would have done without it!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the CSP exam...and so will you!! Without compromising the exam, here's my "two cents" for your exam success.Know the equations. They may or may not be provided on the exam, so I highly recommend you know them. And don't just know the equation, but understand which one is used and when. I actually had to use an engineering economics equation in reverse ...just glad I knew what equation worked for the scenario given. Calculators are not allowed in the testing site. The on-screen calculator works just like the one provided by Bowen EHS. Just be sure that each time you close out the on-screen calculator, be sure to set it to Classic Mode when you open it back up. If you don't, you'll get weird figures on the calculator and realize something is not looking right. Understand ALL material in the Bowen EHS review course book. It's not enough to just know the words or terms, but also the application of the terms. Take the time to go through the CSP 10 Blueprint...you'll be glad you did. I had 30 total pages (front and back!!) of notes outlining all of the items on the Blueprint. Well worth the time spent in preparing and learning the material. Some info is provided on the Blueprint presentation / handout (ROHS, REACH, etc). Review the Bowen EHS study questions. I have all questions to 2005. I found it helpful to separate them by topic so I could focus on a particular topic. You can get more info on the CIH and CHMM study vault. Bottom line...do what you need to do to pass the exam!! I studied hours (no joke!!) each weekday and weekend for 5+ months, but it paid off in the end. THANK YOU Bowen EHS for all the exam material you provide us. You truly set up your students for success!! Highly recommended!!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I am happy to say I passed my exam! This is my second time taking it so the pressure was on. I want to thank Bowen EHS for all their help and support. I started a new job a week before my first try at the exam and with the stress of house selling and house hunting, my exam results showed. I retook the CHMM online review, studied using the CHMM Datachem software and reviewed my problem areas from the first exam. I am excited to put this chapter behind me. Thank you and best of luck to anyone else planning to take the exam!

CHMM Courses

Passed the CSP a month after ASP! My overall impression of the CSP was that it is more difficult than the ASP. ASP seemed pretty straightforward with simple answers. The CSP had numerous scenario questions and very little math. I reviewed the PowerPoint from the course, used the CSP pocket app, and tried the self-assessment quiz from the BCSP. My personal opinion is that the CSP is more application than the ASP. 


ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the ASP! There was a lot less calculation based questions than I anticipated. The Bowen Class really helped. I also studied "Safety Professional's Reference & Study Guide" by David Yates which helped. A combination of the Bowen Class/App, the study guide mentioned above and the "Pocket Prep" App; I feel I was well prepared. It was a long walk to get that piece of paper (result) waiting for me at the corner of the desk when I left the exam room!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Hands down the ASP/CSP prep course was the best tool in my prep toolbox. During the test, I was confident in the majority of my answers and that in itself alleviated test anxiety during the exam. I will say this though...this is not a straight memorization test, you will be presented with a topic and must choose the best answer based on information given. I treated this course as my capstone to studying. What I mean by this is that I used the ASP blueprint provided by the BCSP, ACGIH TLV booklet, OSHA 1910 standards, and the NIOSH pocket guide. This prep course with watching the lectures, doing the homework and reading the corresponding chapters in the Yates Safety Professional book really tied all of this stuff together for me. Last note, read the questions carefully. During my first glance at the question, I felt I could narrow the potential right choices down to two options. I then would reread the question and look for the stem words described by the course and usually a choice would just seem right. Almost like it was a 3 D hologram screaming at me (I am the right choice). Then there were the ones I just didn't know. Made a selection and moved on. Saved all the math problems for the end and the questions were straightforward, I just didn't remember all the math we learned so had to guess on a few of those as well.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the ASP in and just passed the CSP. For what it's worth, this was my study strategy: I used ASP class recordings and materials to start my CSP review. Then I re-read the Brauer text, read Petersen Safety Management text and then took the self-assessment. After the self-assessment, I made some flashcards for the 3 domains in which I was the weakest. It all added up to a PASS on the CSP exam.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Thanks to Patrick and the ASP/CSP prep course, I just passed my CSP exam! The CSP exam seemed much easier than the ASP. I felt nervous but also fairly well prepared!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the ASP 2 weeks ago and scheduled my CSP immediately. I passed the CSP today. Thank you Bowen EHS!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I am so happy to have passed the ASP exam. This was my second attempt. I really was weak in math but I took the Algebra ll class and finished a couple of weeks ago. The first time I took the exam my calculator was on mathprint for some time and several problems in before I realized it. I identified my weakness via the first try and focused on the math and management which were my weakest areas. Today, I felt confident and nervous at the same time. Afterward, when I left the testing area the gentleman from the front desk was standing there with a folded paper in hand. I just knew he was hiding that I did not quite make it for the second time. I took the sheet and opened it! You Passed! in bold letters made my knees weak and my eyes filled with tears of joy. WOW! what a feeling. Thanks Russ.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I wanted to let Will Pate know that I sat for the CHMM exam and I passed! I took his online CHMM review course in the Spring of 2016. This was an excellent class! Even after waiting almost a year after completing the review course I went back and listened to each lecture over again, took lots of note cards from this lectures, used the Bowen CHMM app on my iPhone, read the IHMM book, and studied DataChem CHMM Prep extensively. I would highly recommend this review course for anyone planning to sit for the CHMM. Thanks Will for a GREAT class. 

CHMM Courses

The course was super helpful for narrowing my study to only the topics that mattered. As always, practice exams are very important - maybe even more important that review material. They helped me gauge my weaknesses and focus my study. The Bowen practice questions were similar in content, difficulty, and style to the real thing. Needless to say, I passed!

CIH Courses