Client Feedback: ASP®-CSP® Exam Courses

We love getting honest feedback from our clients. In addition to letting us know how we are doing, they let us know what worked or didn't work for them while preparing for their ASP® and CSP® exams.

Read on to find out more.

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I was so relieved when I saw the words PASS this afternoon on my (CSP9) exam! I had 118 minutes remaining. I took 1 break after I went through the test once. I highly recommend you take at least one short break - you start to go crossed eyed after a while. Ha!  My journey to the CSP started in 2015. I took the ASP review course with Colleen in January 2015 and took the ASP that April that same year and passed on the first try. Unfortunately, I was unable to take the CSP right after due to unforeseen circumstances.

I started studying for the CSP in November 2016. I went back through all of the ASP review courses from 2015 and reviewed questions from the Bowen site over and over and over. I went through all of the webinars as well. I also used Quizlet to create my own questions and reviewed them ad nauseam. I used the BCSP blueprint to give me a guide as to what to study. I re-read the Brauer book, but honestly, I can't say it helped me much. I went to a few study sessions on the Bowen site as well. Special thanks to Mike Edens and all of the Bowen team for your help! Could not have done it without your support!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

CIH Preliminary Pass November 2020! Thanks for the win! The material from the class was so helpful, but it really was a bigger benefit to participate in a live webinar class compared to study on my own with just books! My exam was canceled and rescheduled twice for COVID but I finally got it done!


CIH Courses

I took my exam this morning, and I'm happy to have received a preliminary pass on my first try. Many thanks and appreciation to Russ, Rustin, and the team at Bowen EHS for putting together a very insightful and comprehensive review course for this exam. Your course (especially the study question vault) gave me a lot more confidence going into this! I think the best strategy that worked for me was to study a little every day (1-2 hours) for the past 4-5 months instead of cramming information in huge time blocks, reading the recommended literature from the first or second lecture, and definitely having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast (Thanks for the tip Russ!). Thanks again and good luck to those taking this exam! 


CIH Courses

Passed my ASP exam on the first try. I used the practice quizzes and the study vault questions until I was constantly scoring 45 out of 50 on the practice test. I'm going to try and complete the CSP in the next three weeks.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed! :) I cannot emphasize enough how valuable Bowen has been throughout the past few months (both the class and the premium resources). Although I took the CIH prep class in the summer of 2016, I didn’t actually start studying/preparing until January of this year and I can’t imagine how much more challenging it would have been without these resources to help keep me on track! Russ, thank you so much for putting together such a great course and study materials that made such a massive challenge be achievable and also for making me a better IH! Thanks also to Rick and Otto if they’re still out there! :)

CIH Courses

Hello Russ, I finished the last ASP/CSP class on Wednesday and took the ASP exam on Saturday and passed. I plan to take the CSP in May. The class was very beneficial to me and I appreciate the help. Thanks again.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

CIH Pass! First time taking the exam and first time using a course for preparation. I think the structure helped focus my supplemental reading. Carried the TLV book with me when I didn't use Quizlet. Thanks Bowen!

CIH Courses

Thanks to Bowen EHS staff (especially Patrick), ASP/CSP review course, and other clients who offered study help, I passed my CSP9 exam. I also used Brauer "Safety and Health for Engineers" and Yates "Safety Professionals Study Guide." I took the BCSP practice exam several times and several of the Bowen practice quizzes.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I completed my exam yesterday and am happy to report I received a preliminary pass on my first try; what a relief! I listened to the lectures at least twice, looked up information on workplace environments (YouTube videos are helpful), and I had tons of flashcards on every subject, but focused on toxicology, epidemiology, and ventilation. I also purchased the book Industrial-Occupational Hygiene Calculation: A Professional Reference by Stewart et al. Even though it has errors in the book, I found it to be extremely helpful in understanding the equations. I probably read through it 4 or 5 times. It really is a good idea to skip the math problems until the end. I was able to complete all the word problems, go back through the exam and complete the math problems, and run through all of them one more time in each 2.5-hour session. Thank you to Russ and the Bowen’s team.

CIH Courses

I received a preliminary pass on the CIH exam. I took the most recent Bowen CIH exam prep class in preparation for this exam. It helped me identify areas where my knowledge base was weak, so I could concentrate my studies in those areas. I also passed the CSP exam in August. The resources available for premium members helped me to be successful in both exams. I recommend that on test day, you focus on being well-rested and as relaxed as you can. I had a full night's rest and took a long shower before leaving my house. I had a small breakfast and took a large bottle of water with me to the testing center. The water was for the mid-exam break period. I would’ve brought a small snack if I thought I wouldn’t be done by lunchtime. I wasn’t anxious before the exam because the worst-case scenario is you don’t pass and you’ll get a breakdown on what rubric you were lacking. That would help you focus your studies for the next attempt. Best of luck on your attempts and don’t give up!

CIH Courses

2 months after completing the ASP, I was able to pass the CSP. Thank you Bowen and peers for the support and course material that helped me get to this point. In my opinion, the ASP was a harder test than the CSP. Keep taking practice quizzes and reviewing course material and you will pass too! Best of luck to everyone.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed both the ASP and CSP! I really appreciate all the preparation skills Bowen provided. I was guilty of rescheduling both tests once each, however, I would have definitely procrastinated taking them both even longer if Bowen prep materials didn't strongly urge us not to do that. Anyone considering rescheduling, just take the test.  The best advice I can share, that others shared with me, take a lot of practice tests and quizzes (the app really is fantastic!). I was averaging in the 80-85% range (sometimes higher) on all the practice tests I took when I finally took the tests. I think that helped me feel confident I would be able to do well on the actual test and helped me build the stamina to answer the 200 questions in one sitting.  The Bowen practice tests cover a great spread of topics which is nice. I looked in the databank and saw there were around a 1000 questions used to generate the random quizzes, so plenty of examples and things to review. Occasionally the questions repeated (which shows you how many practice tests I took), but that helped me make sure I remembered how to answer that kind of question. Some of the more challenging topics took a few attempts of seeing the same question over and over before I was consistently able to answer it correctly. Long post, but I appreciate the skills and resources Bowen gave me and wanted to share a little advice for those next in line for the test. I can't wait to sign up for the CIH prep course in the fall and start preparing for that exam with Bowen.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Passed the ASP, course was excellent prep! I sat for the exam and felt well prepared thanks to Bowen EHS. As additional study prior to the exam I went through the course packet/slide handouts again, reworked the homework and exam problems, and reviewed some outside materials in areas I felt lacking in (hazmats, system safety). A couple of subject areas seemed to have quite a few questions--training, management systems, electrical, ergonomics, fleet safety, all covered by the course. Good luck all!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Hi, guys I passed my ASP exam this morning on the first try! Thank you Bowen EHS and Pat for your help. The study materials I used were pocket prep ASP/CSP, David Yates and Roger Brauer book. I took over 65 ASP exams on the Bowen website and studied easily 2-3hrs a day for 6 months. I think the key to success on this exam is being exposed to a multitude of study material to draw upon. Also, eliminate the terrible answers so the odds are in your favor. Really excited. Good luck to all!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Wrote the CIH exam and received a preliminary pass. Thanks Bowen for the great review course.

CIH Courses

Hey all, I took and passed the CSP exam! Between the online review and all of the practice questions, I felt like I was very prepared. Thank you to Will for your help along the way.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Sat for the CIH exam and got the green checkmark - Preliminary Pass! Phew! Thanks for all of the help, education and fun provided by Bowen EHS staff. I feel certain I would not have been successful without completing this preparation material.


CIH Courses

Passed the CSP today!!! Man what a relief!! General advice: I would strongly encourage anyone to take the CSP as soon as they can after the ASP. Understand concepts, memorizing will only get you so far. I completed 16 practice CSP practice exams and 15 practice ASP exams on the Bowen website until I was consistently scoring 45+ out of 50. This really helped. THANK YOU, Patrick Lee, for a great course!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I am thrilled to say I am finally a CSP after passing the exam. I took the ASP/CSP prep course with Patrick as my instructor. He did a phenomenal job with the course. I will say it took me multiple times to pass both the ASP and CSP, but at the end of the day, all that counts is that you pass. I want to say to anyone who has taken the exam and did not pass the first time, or to anyone who is about to take the ASP and/or CSP. DO NOT GIVE UP. It will all be worth it once you get that passing score. Thanks again to Russ and Patrick for all the help you provided throughout the course and even after the course was completed. I will highly recommend the Bowen Prep Course to anyone taking the exams.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I sat for and passed the ASP in June and passed the CSP three weeks later.  In my opinion, the CSP was much more difficult. The questions were longer and wordier and required much more thought and application. For my experience, neither exam was particularly heavy on math. While sitting and taking both exams I was not very confident that I was going to pass, but, to my surprise, more so with CSP, the papers both said PASS! Thank you to Kyle for a very organized and structured lecture. I attended the January-March ASP-CSP review course. I ended up watching the lectures twice. I took countless quizzes offered through the premium membership which were extremely helpful and I am positive they assisted me in passing both exams. I also downloaded the pocket prep app for both the ASP and the CSP which was also extremely helpful. Lastly, I purchased and took notes on both the ASP and CSP self-assessment. Good Luck to anyone taking the exams!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I am happy to say I passed my exam! This is my second time taking it so the pressure was on. I want to thank Bowen EHS for all their help and support. I started a new job a week before my first try at the exam and with the stress of house selling and house hunting, my exam results showed. I retook the CHMM online review, studied using the CHMM Datachem software and reviewed my problem areas from the first exam. I am excited to put this chapter behind me. Thank you and best of luck to anyone else planning to take the exam!

CHMM Courses

Passed the ASP exam today. Registering for the CSP now! A big shout out to Pat for all the help! Great course. On a side note, my wife was a big fan of your jokes :)

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the ASP! This was a difficult exam. There were a lot of questions on electricity and on ISO/ANSI standards that required a more nuanced understanding than I had studied for. Like others have said there were a lot of questions that weren't covered but the Bowen resources and the ASP/CSP prep course definitely helped focus my studying and pass!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I’d like to say thank you to the Bowen staff for their part in helping me dial-in my CSP prep. Online test prep of any kind can be a precarious thing; you make a financial commitment and put your faith in someone else’s curriculum. In this case however, my online review gave me the direction and, perhaps more importantly, the peace of mind I needed to sit poised in the testing center this morning. I was ASP-exempt courtesy of my CP-12. Still, I chose to register for the combination ASP-CSP review to help diversify my prep. I suspected because the combination course was longer (8 weeks) I wasn’t really giving up much of the CSP domain-oriented material. Of course, I’m glad I got to absorb the ASP content (it came in handy); it was an exceptional learning opportunity for any practitioner but, the amount of safety management and training related material that we covered and what CSP exam-takers need was noteworthy. I was very pleased overall. Aside the course, my prep included the app, my own flash cards, and plenty of practice quizzes. Good luck, all!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I joined the happy alumni who have now achieved the Preliminary Pass result on my exam. It was a good feeling. This time around, I knew it. I wasn't even nervous as I waited for the final result when I clicked the button (OK maybe just a tiny bit). I thank Russ and the entire Bowen team for standing behind me, helping me study and study some more, encouraging me, and everyone in the study groups for each exam. I couldn't have done it without all of your support, I'm sure. Part of me feels like I should have passed a year ago, right after I took this Bowen prep course. I missed passing by 1.2%, probably 2 questions. Disappointing, but I studied hard again for the spring exam. That one I missed by 0.6%, probably 1 question. That one was hard to take. But I'm resilient, so I picked myself up and tried again. Good luck to all of you, and a sincere thank-you to Russ and all of the Bowen team.

CIH Courses

Great job that you are doing, Russ Thank you

Southeastern Louisiana University
CIH Courses

I took ASP-CSP course from Bowen in Spring 2016. Waited too long to take the course so did another vendor crash course in person 1 week before ASP exam. Passed on the first try. Was given the recommendation to schedule & sit for CSP exam soon after passing ASP so registered for exam 3 weeks after ASP. Studied Brauer book and did Bowen prep questions and practice quizzes. Passed on the first try for CSP9. Very helpful for CSP. I really like the way Bowen has set up the practice questions, weekly emails for questions, and the practice quizzes. Just wanted to share and say thanks!!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Passed the ASP today after completing the ASP online review just 2 weeks ago. Mostly reviewed the class material, tests, and purchased the BCSP self-assessment module. Not much more than that. Bowen, keep up the good work!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Russ and Staff,  As others have said eloquently, I will say simply; thank you! A well-planned review course based on the pillars of learning is a remarkable example of a true mentor. You and your support staff are truly amazing and should be proud of the services provided to further careers of professionals around the world. Thank you for assisting and being a part in my journey. I received a preliminary pass Saturday on the CIH examination.


CIH Courses

Passed the CSP!!!  The Bowen team was instrumental in providing the needed information in a user-friendly format that got me passed the big test. I only studied the Bowen material and it was all I needed! Worth every cent! Thanks Mike and Russ for a great tool.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the CSP today. Couldn't have done it without the framework for study provided by the Bowen ACSP course. My path forward for studying once I committed to the ASP and CSP starting this past May, was to take the Bowen course and creating my own flash cards along the way along with the practice problems and Bowen app. This prepared me for the ASP. I broke down and bought the CSP blueprint and the Brauer book and continued reviewing my flash cards, prepping me for the CSP. Thank you to the instructors and the Bowen program for your help.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed my CIH exam last week, first attempt. This is a difficult cookie which I mean in volume and content. It takes a long time for you to feel prepared. It is definitely not something that you will be able to crack in 2 months of prep time. It took me about a month or 2 just to gather the reference materials and source them out through the library, friends, etc. Bowen gives you a great form and shape to the vast content and the leg work is on you. I am proud to say that I did it........with a full-time busy job and 2 small kids at home. I started way early. In the last week, I was panicking as I did not attend any of the study sessions. I started studying for this November 2018 and got through it in November 2019. People with young kids and busy lives............this is doable just give yourself more time for the bumpy ride. It was a wonderful experience and a difficult journey for the past year. In the end ........will love to have those three letters. Thanks to Bowen!

CIH Courses

I went on the Air Force Safety Forum and posted your website link as the go-to study material for the ASP-CSP. I think the course you put together is great and I will be sure to pass it along to others as I go through my career. Thank you for putting in the time and effort to make this course, otherwise, I'd have been fighting in the trenches on that test. Cheers.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

This was my third time. The first time I was just not prepared. The second time I came away with 105 and needed 110 to pass, so close but so far away. Today I felt confident and sure I was going to pass. I used the ASP-CSP course and took all the tests on the website I could. I took so many that I ran out of available questions. I would take a quiz every other night and on the weekend I would read a chapter and review the weeks quizzes. A week before my exam I reviewed all the quizzes and watched youtube videos on Manslow, Heinrick, and Hertzburg. I reviewed short films on environmental disasters and worked on math problems. It worked for me! I PASSED TODAY! My emotions are very low normally but getting the paper from the proctor made me so happy I teared up a little bit and was surprised by that. I have worked towards this goal for a while now and now it has paid off. Thank you Bowen!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Excellent content. Everything you need to succeed!

Theresa Stack

Passed my CSP yesterday after passing the ASP in July, both on the first try! Woohoo! The ASP-CSP class (with Patrick, the May-June class) helped a ton with getting me on the right path and really breaking down an overwhelming blueprint. Before it I just didn’t know where to start when it came to assessing my knowledge and where I needed to improve. I did a practice exam almost daily using the CSP question bank. It was challenging but I feel that the practice tests really helped me understand how things would be asked on the test. Thank you Patrick and Bowen!!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I sat for and passed my ASP exam. Thank you Kyle for the course and the insight you provided throughout. I'm positive I wouldn't have passed without it.

Featured ASP

Two weeks after passing the ASP, I passed the CSP! I finished the test in 2 hours and was sure I had failed, but somehow managed to pass. I was actually surprised at the increase in the level of difficulty from the ASP to the CSP exam. Thank you Patrick and Bowen EHS for helping me through this process. I would definitely recommend the ASP-CSP course to anyone looking for a prep course. This was the only study material I used for each exam, so it is possible to pass both tests without using any other study materials!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the ASP! There was a lot less calculation based questions than I anticipated. The Bowen Class really helped. I also studied "Safety Professional's Reference & Study Guide" by David Yates which helped. A combination of the Bowen Class/App, the study guide mentioned above and the "Pocket Prep" App; I feel I was well prepared. It was a long walk to get that piece of paper (result) waiting for me at the corner of the desk when I left the exam room!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I wanted to say thanks, I enjoyed your online LSO course. I took the exam at the DOE LSO conference and just received word that I passed.

Professional Development

Based on the ASP Prep course, I passed the ASP exam on the first try today! I listened to the recordings four times after the course and while I was sitting for the test, I heard Nicole's voice saying "You can do this". ( I'm not listening to the recordings anymore because my wife is getting jealous). Putting the kidding aside, listen to the recordings, review the tests, and also read the books that Nicole recommends, very important! Feel free to put this under testimonials on the website, I chose the Right course. Thanks again.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I am not a big "public message poster", but wanted to let you know that I passed the CSP this morning. The study material provided by the BOWEN EHS membership provided all the information I needed.


Passed the ASP today! The review course was very helpful, I think the most helpful advice I can give is to go over as many practice quizzes you can. I completed 15 practice quizzes and that prepared me very well. On to the CSP!! Thanks Patrick Lee for the great course!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed my CSP today!! I should have taken the review course 3 months ago when I sat for my CSP exam for the first time! I didn’t pass the 1st time by 1 answer (which was frustrating, I even asked the Board for review) but on the other hand I expected it because I took the test without studying for the CSP. I enrolled in another Bowen EHS course and did as many practice questions as I could. Now I can enjoy the holidays and next year will start studying for the CIH. Thanks to Will, to the Bowen EHS team and to the rest of the participants for being part of my success in my journey to obtaining my ASP and CSP!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the CSP today. Thanks to the Bowen team once again first the CIH and now the CSP!!! I got to tell you I am not sure what I did because my confidence flew out the window after the first hour and I was sure I was going to have to take that exam again once I hit submit, but no, the certificate came back Congratulations you PASS!!! CSP Baby!!! Very excited!! Good luck to all the other candidates. You can do it.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Hi Russ, Just wanted to let you know that I PASSED my CIH test! Woo! Hoo! I took your class last fall and almost passed. I took the class again this year. I only studied your material and made sure I could score at least an 80 on each practice test over and over and over. I probably studied/practiced/reviewed everything at least 15-20 hours per week for 2.5 months. I also worked the previous practice questions you supply us as well in the additional resources section. My perception of the test was that there were not as many problems requiring the use of the formula sheets, however, when there were, I could work those problems. There were a lot of questions you had to think about the answer, but I believe the information you provided in the online class covered most of it. I am very happy that I passed! Thank you so much for your class and teaching! 

CIH Courses

I finally passed the CIH exam!! It was such a huge relief because I failed the exam in November last year. This is probably the most difficult exam I have ever done. The practice quizzes for Bowen were very helpful and it's important to practice very well before attempting this exam. All the best to everyone planning on taking this exam.

CIH Courses

Thank you Bowen EHS for the fantastic review course, it really helped me on my path to achieving the CSP certification. One test down, one to go! Your expertise is much appreciated!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Well, I took the CIH test last week and got a no pass. I felt really good going into it and actually didn't feel terrible while taking it so it was a bit of a surprise when I got the no pass. I went through all of the Bowen questions available, read the TLV book as well as others, went through all the lectures at least twice, took many "quizzes" and was getting 80-100% on them by the end. I even purchased the extra Bowen workbooks and went through all of them too. I am pretty disappointed and not quite sure how to study for the next time around. I guess I will just have to wait to get the letter telling me what rubrics to study harder in. I did enjoy this course and like I said, I thought I was pretty prepared for the test, but I guess there will be at least one more go around...

CIH Courses

Thankfully, I was able to have success on my first go-a-round with the ASP. I would like to thank the Bowen team and my peers on this platform for helping me get to this point. In regards to the test: It was not "hard" but not quite what I expected. Some tips and observations: 1. There was no "Formula Sheet"; if a formula was needed, it was provided in the question; 2. Questions were mostly conceptual and best practice-based; 3. Most all of the questions you can create a 50/50 chance for yourself; 4. Although Bowen is the best possible resource, employ others. Many of the same questions presented themselves as I got past the 10th practice exam; 5. Take your time, use your common sense, and trust your training and experience. Best of luck to everyone!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses